Bureau of Women, FKTU

  Bureau of Women 
Ferdation of Korean Trade Unions

¡Þ Address : 35, Yoido-dong, Youngedeungpo-gu, Seoul
¡Þ Phone : 82-2-761-9070 (Extension) 82-2-782-3884(230~1)
¡Þ E-mail women@fktu.org Chollian ID fktucpi

  The FKTU is constituted with 24 federations, 16 municipal and provincial chapters and 48 local chapters. The FKTU Bureau of Women, launched in 1985, has worked to improve the rights and life of women workers. It is currently focusing on the prevention of further deterioration of employment of women workers in the wake of the economic crisis, development of new women policies, activities to come up with solutions for the imminent issues and the expansion of unionization of women workers. The FKTU Women's Committee, composed of 30 members, was established on March 30, 1991 and has been engaged in various activities to achieve a decent living and improve the economic, social and political status of women workers.

I. FKTU Women's Committee


    It is composed of 24 persons in charge of bureau of women at each affiliated federation.


    Set up mid- to long-term plans to secure women's labor rights and improve their rights and interests

    Enhance equality at work

    Improve welfare schemes for protection of women and maternity

    Expand and strengthen women's organizations

    Research and exert pressure on revision of related laws to improve women's legal status

    Form women's committee at FKTU-affiliated federations, provide them with guidelines on the direction of activities and seek ways to galvanize them

    Conduct surveys on the status of women workers and carry out researches

    Consumer protection and environment protection activities

    Implement resolutions made at the FKTU Women's Committee

II. Main Activities of the FKTU Bureau of Women

    Strengthening women's organizations

    Urge assignment of staff exclusively in charge of women's affairs at each federation

    Organize non-regular workers

    Hold debate tours at member unions

    Strengthen union response to gender discrimination in the process of restructuring

    Women policy

    Push for revision of the Equal Employment Act and women related Acts

    Policy to ensure employment stability of women workers

    Expansion of women's participation in all levels of decision making processes

    Activities for domestic and international solidarity

    Activities to ensure job security of women workers, to devise unemployment measures, and to submit policy proposals

    Activities for strengthening solidarity with the ICFTU-APRO Women's Committee

    Workshops of women officials in the East Asian region

    Activities for securing equal treatment and human rights of women workers

    Host the National Women Workers' Convention in collaboration with three other organizations in commemoration of the 91st    anniversary of the March 8 International Women's Day

    A month-long activities for the improvement of equality and human rights of women workers

    Host the 1999 National Women Workers' Convention

    Hold the commemoration event in the Month of Equal Employment

    Activities of the FKTU Women's Committee

    Host conventions and seminars

    promote the establishment of Women's Committee of each member union

    Labor related cultural activities

    Develop vitalization measures for cultural activities team, and encourage its formation

    Providing training for and convening meetings of labor culture activities leaders

    Updating data on the current status of member unions, local chapters, and FKTU singing and dancing team

III. Core Activitives of 1999

    Organizing small and micro workplaces and non-regular workers

    Research activities (compiling statistical data on the current status of non-regular workers working at organized workplaces)

    Public relations activities (distribution of leaflets and various other publications encouraging non-regular women workers to join a union)

    Integrate workers into existing unions and encourage non-regular workers to join an organized union

    Vitalize joint activities in collaboration with other organizations and internal discussions to specify multi-step projects

    To eliminate gender discrimination within unions, a greater emphasis will be placed on widening the scope of women's participation in decision making bodies and executive organs.

    Demand a quota system for better representation of women workers to institutionalize and widen the scope of women's participation in    decision making bodies

    Form a working measures committee for policy on and unionization of women workers